Vampire movies have seemed to plague today’s big screen, from the Twilight series to the one we recently watched Daybreakers. Now I can honestly say I have seen almost every main stream vampire movie to date and this one has drastically tackled the vampire lore with a whole new twist.
The beginning of the movie shows vampires plundering the night streets. They are on every corner and taking part in what to seems everyday activities for the humans in the daylight. We come to learn that the vampires have almost rid the world of the human race. The problem with that is that their blood supplies are running low. This leads to the main character, a vampire, attempting to create a synthetic blood to help keep the race alive, at least that is what your lead to believe. The thing is, the main character hates being a vampire, and he is looking for a cure. The movie proceeds as the main character comes in contacts with humans, and instead of reporting them, he helps them. In turn, they want to help him. It seems the humans have found a cure for the deadly curse that has plagued the world, and you will not believe what it is. I am not going to spoil it for you.
In the end, the main idea of the corporation was not to find a cure, but to make money by supplying the vampires of the world with synthetic blood. Greed even gets the un-living. As the movie ends our main character actually gets to ride off into the sunrise.
Pros: I really enjoyed the separation from the norm when it comes to vampire movies. The dialogue throughout the movie was excellent. Each intricate detail kept the watcher interested throughout.
Cons: I can’t really think of any.
I would recommend this movie to any vampire enthusiast; I believe you will enjoy it. I did.
I agree! Thought it was one of the better Vampire movies of today's selection.